It's 'all kinds of warm fuzzies' being with family, anticipating seeing some great friends & planning for a long weekend at my grandparents cabin! And. I must say, I'm loving the lush, green, lake, humid smell here in my grand 'ol hometown. Colorado is stunning - however, the smell is quite 'dusty' and dry. Makes for a lovely 90 degrees, though! ;)
Just before I left CO, John and I became: First Aide & CPR certified to fulfill our foster care licensing process! Now, what's left? So glad you asked! ;) Our homestudy & physicals! That's it!! We are told that our homestudy may be assigned to us as soon as within this month!? Or longer. They are waiting on our background checks & finger prints. And. Our actual license date? December 2011. Maybe?
Now, to be totally honest here, there is a small chance we may not be approved as a *foster-to-adoption family, like any/every couple who apply. But, we feel this is the path we are to be taking. So. We're doing our best to leave this in God's hands [and time frame] while we trust! It's an exciting time!
Tonight, my Mom surprised me with two HUGE bags of very cute 0-12 mos. boy clothes for our future foster son! It was our own sweet little 'baby shower'! I'm so touched! I have the most thoughtful Mom!
*foster-to-adoption: caring for children who are not legally free to be adopted. In the event that no kin commit to adopt the foster child; and parental rights are terminated - the foster child is then able to pursue a possible adoption by his/her foster parents. A common saying in this line of adoption: "It depends?" ;)
**Our heart in this first and foremost is to honor birth parents and each child by coming alongside as a part of their helpful team to aide in bringing the child(ren) home to their parent(s) or to a safe family member.
(one of the adorable outfits from my Mom!)
"As a mother, my job is to take care of what is possible and trust God with the impossible." -Ruth Bell Graham