Tuesday, June 23, 2009

my Sadiebelle

Sadie is "big now", she says. She has a new love for pony's and baby dolls. She is very nurturing to them. She's is also quite a little mommy to her 'Lil Nini' (Lauren). With age 4, has come much more incentive [for Sadie] to do things herself and ask questions. This is bliss. Most of the time.


Here's a funny chat we had earlier:

Sadie: "What does fun mean?"

Me: "It means when you're doing something that makes you feel happy."

Sadie: "What does happy mean?"

Me: "It is... when you smile... and have a warm feeling in your heart."

Sadie: [silent pause.]

Sadie: "what's, it is?"

Me: "Oh, stop! You're joking me right?!?!"

[Sadie's vocabulary is expanding... funny, my patience is shortening. LOL.]

Prayers for Stellan

1 comment:

Andrea Gutierrez said...

She is a funny girl and she definitely loves her babies and ponies!